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In the Ad World


Oh, the good ol’ days!

My story with advertising started when I was very young. I found myself intrigued with the outdoor campaigns that lit up the drive home on the freeway. I also got to experience it up close, as my mom taught graphic design in the very first advertising school in Mexico City. 

I decided to jump into advertising school myself at 17, and right off the bat I entered the Young Creatives contest at “El Círculo Creativo”, winning 2nd place among all the young creatives in the country. This got me into my first internship, where I became the youngest intern in Mexico at that time, followed by my first job as junior copywriter at LOWE. 

It wasn't until 3 years later, when I finished college, that I moved to the U.S. to start my endeavor into the Hispanic Market, circa 2006.

Ever since then, I've been working in many kinds of media in the advertising realm, from branding TV spots to direct mail pieces, digital banners to full website adaptations, traditional radio to 5-second YouTube ads. 

For me, there's no better feeling than coming up with a great concept that allows you to capture the audience with the right insights, great storytelling and a killer tagline.

"Rollin' with the insights"

Walmart - Recetas y Sonrisas

I’ve often looked into what speaks to our emotions, and try to tell stories through visuals and messages that resonate with the audience. 
This spot has everything I love: music, food, and culture!

A campaign for the Grammys?

Verizon - Turbo Soundtrack

Sign me up!

Though it was exciting, helping come up with the idea of the 48-hour song and actually getting it to work was no easy task.

From conceptualizing, to writing pages and pages of lyrics, to recording in Las Vegas with Prince Royce, it was a unique project that came together thanks to great teamwork.

"Adapt, trans-create. Don't translate."

Samsung Galaxy S9 - Moving On

It's not a surprise when we receive a request to translate a spot. But in this case, it was a whirlwind!

We were up shooting this spot along with the General Market team until 6am, and as they came up with additional material in English, I had to adapt on the spot, writing dialogues in Spanish that had their own punch and made sense for the market. Plus, I got to coach the talent to deliver the lines like a native.

It was a super fun spot that I was glad to be a part of.



Just a few times in my career I've had the opportunity to work in an environment where digital work was consumed raw! It was with a team of 10 developers and 16 creatives including designers that dedicated many days and nights to creating work that had never been seen before.

We did all kinds of animated banners, landing pages, carousels, you name it. We learned how to build a bridge between both digital and traditional advertising.

With the #MeAgarroElGol campaign for the World Cup, we were able to highlight Verizon's powerful network by showcasing people celebrating goals in the most unexpected places.

Working for a World Cup campaign is such a treat!

Walmart - Online Shopping

We took this project to heart and built a very unique campaign that caught a lot of people’s eyes.

​With an original budget for 2 creative spots, we built 14 different versions of 4 main creative spots that highlighted the colorful ways different Latin American countries watch their games, the rivalry between some of them, and their unique way of celebrating a win. Everyone felt unique and acknowledged.

That World Cup, we all won.

World Cup

World Cup

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Argentina’s Passion

Brazil’s Joy

A Unifying Beat - Walmart Pick up in Store

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Walmart - Free Grocery Pickup.

A Passion for Cooking - Walmart

Walmart - Enciende la cocina

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